Flash Code

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Fast, Simple, Accurate, and Painless Coding!
MCCS LLC a division of PMIC

Flash Code is the leading health care coding and compliance software solution.

Our passion is to make coding Fast, Simple, Accurate, and Painless.

Providers, Payers, Auditors, Billers, and Coders use Flash Code to find diagnosis and treatment codes quickly and efficiently. At the code level, access to FEE and COMPLIANCE information is one click away.


If you are familiar with medical coding and can already drive a web browser,

here's a three item checklist to start you on the road to coding success.


Of course, you are welcome to read on as we discuss Flash Code in detail...


Searching is simple - yet sophisticated. You can search by:

     • Number

     • Whole or partial words

     • Abbreviations



These are the CODE SETS you can access in Flash Code

      -International Classification of Diseases 9th Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM)

           (Volume 1 Diagnosis and Volume 3 Procedure codes)

           (ICD-10-CM and PCS codes are coming. Learn More)

     - Medical Severity Diagnosis Related Groups (MS-DRG)

      -Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) Treatment codes

      -Health Care Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) Treatment, Injection, and Supply codes

      -National Drug Codes

      -Current Dental Terminology


Once you have found the codes you are looking for, Flash Code displays practice location specific content from the MAJOR FEE TABLES used by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for medicare reimbursement:

    -Medicare Physician Fee Schedule - for both Participating and NonParticipating providers

          (Resource Based Relative Value System (RBRVS)

     -Laboratory Fee Schedule

     -Durable Medical Equipment (DME) Schedule

     -Medicare Part B Drugs

     -Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Schedule


In addition, the two major COMPLIANCE EDITS facing payers and providers are unbundling and medical necessity code edit pairs.

Flash Code contains:

     -All active National Correct Coding Initiative edits (plus retired edits for the past 4 years)

          (these are the unbundling edits, which are nearing 1 million total)

     -Both National and Local Coverage Determinations (NCD and LCD).

          (Medical Necessity code pairs, along with the full Coverage Determination text)


Thank You for choosing Flash Code!

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