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MCCS LLC a division of PMIC

HealthCare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS)

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The Flash Code HCPCS "Bookshelf" and its sections

PROCEDURE codes are required for documentation and submission of health care claims delivered by providers within the United States of America. HCPCS codes are maintained by the US Government and are considered to be LEVEL II HealthCare Procedure codes.

The structure of the HCPCS codes includes three main sections and may be accessed in Flash Code by clicking on any of the corresponding section icons.
-Numerical index (CODES)

This is where the final code selection is made as each code contains a full description plus supportive information to assist with the selection process.

In addition to the numerical listing of codes, there are two accessory tables.

-The Alphabetical index (INDEX) links other terms to their related procedure as listed in the CODES section. The HCPCS alphabetical index is combined with the CPT alphabetical index to allow for simultaneous searches since some procedures and supplies are common to both code sets

-The Table of Drugs includes a listing of both generic and trade names. HIPAA legislation includes provisions for replacement of the HCPCS drugs by the National Drug Codes (NDC), however, both sets of codes are in use today. Flash Code contains the NDC codes which can be searched by selecting a checkbox in CPT/HCPCS Search Options. See the Search Function topic for more instructions.


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