Flash Code

Current Product •
Fast, Simple, Accurate, and Painless Coding!
MCCS LLC a division of PMIC
Free ICD Coding

Software Specific Questions:
#4 How do I know if a code is New, Revised or Deleted?
Year Change indicators show when a code was New, Revised, or Deleted.
We use the first letter of the date type (New=N, Revised=R, Deleted=D) plus the two character year to indicate when the change took place. Examples:
------N08=New code for 2008
------R09=Revised code for 2009
------D10=Deleted code for 2010
Keep in mind that the effective year for ICD-10-CM codes begins on October 1st of each year. An ICD code with N20 may have been implemented on October 1st, 2019.


Year Change indicators are displayed to the left of ICD, CPT and HCPCS codes.
If there is no Year Change indicator, the code was New in 1995, is active, and has had no revisions since that time.
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