
Durable Medical Equipment Fees

The Durable Medical Equipment (DME) fee table includes categories such as prosthetics, wheelchair and accessories, some injectables, glucose monitoring devices, and etc.

These fees are often overlooked by busy practitioners, to their financial detriment.

DME fees list a National Ceiling, Floor, and State amount. Many users simply select their state amount in order to submit claims to medicare that will match their reimbursement amount. Others select a percentage multiple in order to calculate a standard fee throughout their practice.

In order to view the DME breakout of fees, just click on the payment amount next to the code you wish to view fee details for.
1. Note the dollar value for the code is listed here

2. You user preferences for the DME table are listed here. The National Ceiling amount is selected, plus a multiple of the first fee option---in this case simply 100% of the ceiling amount.

3. The DME Ceiling amount is always listed here, note that it matches the user selected settings, as it should in this case.

4. Flash Code also displays the DME amount multiplied by 125% and 150% for your reference.