
Creating and Finding User Notes

You can make your own notes, then search for the terms you have added within the notes field. In this example we want to add the search term 'lancefield' to Streptococcal A pneumonia. We have naviagated performed a search for 'strep group a peumo' and isolated the record we wish to add a note to.
Note that the current record has no active book or user notes. When you add a note, or if book notes exist, the button becomes active and would look like the Copy button.

Click on the 'Notes' button to create a new note. A dialog will ask if you wish to proceed (just in case you hit the button by accident)
In this case you do want to add a new note. Click 'Yes' to continue. You will be taken to the notes screen.

1. Any book notes will be located on the left side of the screen
2. The cursor will be placed on the right side where you can simply type your notes.

Users have entered notes to expand diagnoses, put in special insurance criteria for billing, added a code key for a group of codes so they all show up with a single search.
To find codes for which you have added notes:

1. Click on the Notes check box in the New Search box

2. Enter the search criteria for the notes you have made.